Merch Your Way Program

What are Merch Your Way Grants?

The Merch Your Way Program is available to assist the Lacombe community's promotion via community branded items.

Who is eligible?

Any Lacombe business, non-profit or community group is eligible to apply for funding. Special consideration may be given to other community members (i.e. high school students) on a case-by-case basis.

What are the criteria for funding?

  1. Items may include City branded materials (current and retro), as well as other community representations on a case-by-case basis
  2. If it is a City of Lacombe branded piece, the marketing department works with you on final approval of the item. Any other submissions will be reviewed directly by the Echo board
  3. Echo logo addition may be requested
  4. Maximum two applications per business annually
  5. The store manages order fulfillment and generates profits

Funding Guidelines:

Upon approval, Echo provides a matching grant of 50% of your costs to a maximum of $250 for your initial purchase.

Submission Guidelines:

You are invited to submit your proposals via the application form , in person, or by email to:

Guy Lapointe
5432-56th Ave
Lacombe AB, T4L 1E9

There is a rolling deadline. Once the available funding amounts have been exhausted for each calendar year, no further grants will be awarded for that period.

A team lead must be identified in the submitted proposal.