Echo Lacombe Association Terms of Reference
To improve the quality of life within Lacombe by fostering a collaborative environment focused on cultivating innovation, nurturing a business friendly culture, promoting sustainable growth and creating a safe, inclusive, vibrant and healthy community.
- To encourage a spirit of collaboration and active participation within the community.
- To support, promote and lead innovative practices and ventures within the community of Lacombe.
Desired Outcomes:
- A growing and sustainable economy
- An engaging cultural scene
- A place of emotional, physical and environmental wellness
- A connected community
- Strong leadership
- Social Enterprise
- Community pride
Scope of Work:
To achieve these objectives, the ECHO Lacombe Association board will undertake the following activities:
- Create and adhere to an annual operating budget.
- Solicit and adjudicate proposals for the ECHO Lacombe fund.
- Establish, oversee and approve work of subcommittees.
- Build a strategic plan which will be reviewed and updated yearly.
- Promote ECHO Lacombe vision within the community.
Goals will be reviewed and determined on an annual basis and will be supported by a plan of action that includes measurable goals.
Classification of Members:
- Anchor Members of which:
- Three total members
- Full members with voting privileges
- Must pay an annual fee beginning in 2016
- Community members of which::
- Five to seven total members
- Two must be from the business community
- One must be from a non-profit society
- One must be from the public at large
- Anchor Members are appointed by the three Institutions that formed the Association.
- The terms of the public Board members shall be staggered so that a minimum of 25% of the members are appointed or elected each year.
- Board members may serve on the Board for a maximum of two consecutive three-year terms.
- Board will meet monthly and/or on an as needed basis.
- The majority of the committee shall represent quorum.
- The order of business is to be set out in an agenda package to be provided to the Committee members in advance of the meeting date.
- Everyone has a vote, including the chair.
- If the votes are equal for and against, the motion is defeated.
Member Profile:
- Commitment to volunteerism
- Sincere desire to grow a well-rounded community
- Good networking skills
- Inspired by innovation
- Must be one of the following:
- Resident
- Business Owner
- Employee working for a business within the City of Lacombe
Annual Funding:
The board is to receive the following minimum funding amounts from its anchor members on an annual basis:
- City of Lacombe – $12,000.00
- Burman University – $2,500.00
- Lacombe & District Chamber of Commerce – $2,500.00
An annual budget shall be prepared and any new funding requested from funding partners by October 1 for the following calendar year.
Reporting to City Council:
The board will provide a status report to City Council annually.